Friday, May 8, 2020

Exciting Career Change (in 3 Easy Steps!) - When I Grow Up

How to Talk to Your Spouse about your Scary/Exciting Career Change (in 3 Easy Steps!) - When I Grow Up I inadvertantly took January off from my How to(in 3 Easy Steps!) series, but now its ( Im!) back! I decided to give my thoughts on something that comes up fairly often with my clients, Career Camp-ers  and Clubhouse-ersthat gulp!-inducing conversation that you know you have to have with your loved one(s) about the scary/exciting career change you know you want. Click Play below to hear the 3 easy (I promise!) things to do to have the best conversation possible. And if youre not married, feel free to replace spouse with boyfriend, girlfriend, or even parents whoever you know you need to tell about this potentially risky move and whose support you know youd need eventually. As promised, here are Resources a Plenty!:  How to Avoid Your Plan B Career (in 3 Easy Steps!) A Cant-Mess-It-Up-Checklist for Your Very First Year of Full-Time Entrepreneurship I Quit My Day Job. Are You Next? An Effective Escape: Leaving Your Day Job Without Living In Your Parents Basement An Open Video to Those Who Dont Like Hearing That Were Quitting Our Jobs ( Following Our Bliss) An Open Letter to Our Parents, Who Know We Mean Well Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life  (its a really helpful tool in learning how to approach and react to these scary conversations) Anything I didnt cover? Anything youre still concerned about? Was the music in the background throughout the whole video annoying? Let me know in the comments! Less than 2 weeks until I get to interview 10 dream job-bers on how they got to where they are and what its REALLY like behind the scenes. And less than 3 weeks until my 4th Entrepreneuriversary party! Click here to get the details and sign on up!  

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